Shanghai stock exchange index fund
China, the world's second-largest economy, is rebounding from a slowdown earlier in the year, making ETFs that give investors direct access to the mainland China securities, dubbed "A-shares," attractive investment options. The Shanghai Composite Index rallied 7.5 percent rally last month, Trade index funds that match the performance of the Shanghai market index. The SSE 180 Index Fund matches the index composite, buying new shares when the SSE 180 adds a new security, and selling them off when a company is de-listed from the index. The fund also pays dividends from the shares it holds. China’s CN: Index: Shanghai Stock Exchange: Fund data was reported at 6,341.100 25Apr2000=1000 in Feb 2020. This records a decrease from the previous number of 6,376.690 25Apr2000=1000 for Jan 2020. China’s CN: Index: Shanghai Stock Exchange: Fund data is updated monthly, averaging 3,919.355 25Apr2000=1000 from Jan 2001 to Feb 2020, with 230 observations.